
XEOI Instructions.pdf

Request for evidence of insurance instructions

Owners responsibility to carry insurance for their personal property & against liability

The statutes and laws in the state of Florida that govern Condominiums and Insurance, are very specific as to what the unit owner’s responsibilities are and what the Condominium’s responsibility are. It is standard practice and highly recommended that unit owners and tenants purchase insurance for the contents and interiors of their home. The condominium insurance policy only covers the common areas.


The best way to understand what the responsibility of the Association is; is to know what is NOT covered by the Association’s property policy. According to Florida Law (F.S 718.111 (11)(f)3) the Association’s policy must exclude:


·         All personal property within the unit (clothes, computers, electronics etc.)

·         Floor, wall and ceiling coverings

·         Light fixtures

·         Electrical fixtures, appliances, water heaters, water filters, built-in cabinets and counter tops

·         Curtains, drapes, blinds, hardware, and similar window treatments


Such property and any insurance thereupon is the responsibility of the unit owner or tenant.


There are several affordable personal insurance policies available to cover the above-mentioned property. These policies provide liability coverage to provide payment for negligent acts against a Third Party’s property or bodily injuries. You are not required to purchase insurance by law, and by not having insurance you choose to self-insure (meaning paying out of your own pocket).